Next Level Mindset: Achieving Success Beyond Mediocrity

🧠 Conditioning to Get Promoted Despite Mediocrity

  • The education system conditions people to get promoted even if they are mediocre.
  • People are conditioned to expect someone else to be in charge of their promotion and next level.
  • The speaker believes the next level is a lifestyle and a tangible place, not just a cliche.

💰 Methodology for Achieving the Next Level

  • To achieve the next level, one must adopt or learn methodologies for leadership, culture, sales, and teamwork.
  • Methodologies are key to winning, whether you are winning or losing, regardless of the score.
  • The speaker has a methodology for his 23-year marriage, which is to behave the same way as when they were dating.

📺 Cutting Off the News as a Methodology

  • The speaker recommends cutting off the news, as the media’s job is to make money, not tell the truth.
  • Cutting off the news can help reduce anger, frustration, and fear.
  • The speaker uses a marketing methodology called the “mousetrap” to close deals and rarely hear the word “no.”

🙋‍♀️ The Importance of Likability in Business

  • The speaker believes that hiring for attitude and training for skill is the best way to find superstars.
  • Oprah’s success is attributed to her ability to make 31 million people feel like she was their best friend.
  • The Girl Scouts are cited as the greatest salesmen on Earth due to their likability and trustworthiness.

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